Tom Waits

Today, December 7th, 2023, we at Grateful Web celebrate the legend, the enigma, the inimitable Tom Waits. Your music is a labyrinth of the soul, a place where the raw and the beautiful coexist in harmonious disarray. From the haunting melodies of "Martha" to the gritty narrative of "Tom Traubert's Blues," your songs have not just been heard; they've been felt, deeply and profoundly.


Tom Morello has released his inaugural Spotify Singles recordings.  Listen HERE.

You may have heard already, or maybe you sensed it someplace inside your bones. Tom Waits is touring. This rare treat began down south on August 1st and gallops toward the Midwest while I write this. The tour, with only eight performances, is promoting Waits' yet-to-be-released three-disc set called, Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards.

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