Gary Clark Jr.

Austin City Limits will livestream the highly-anticipated taping with Grammy-winning songwriter, vocalist and virtuoso guitarist Gary Clark Jr.

So many years after the disbandment of Grateful Dead that in turn relocated tens of thousands of devoted tour followers to various other acts and bigger life purposes, folks still crave that familiar feeling that kept them on tour. It didn’t only come from the music that Garcia and the gang connected with so many people through, but the sense of community and thriving weirdness that expanded continuously over decades of different intersections.

Fore·cas·tle (f’ok_sol) n. ~ A superstructure at the bow of a ship where the crew is housed. Hard at work in the unruly sea, it is a place workers gather to unwind after a hard day of labor. Simply put, it is a place where people come together.

After waxing "Blak and Blu" poetics with Big K.R.I.T and a resounding plea to "

In celebration of his Grammy performance debut and two Grammy nominations for Best Rock Song ("Ain't Messin Round") and Best Traditional R&B Performance ("Please Come Home") -- the first time an artist has been nominated in these polar categories in the same year -- Gary Clark Jr. will be releasing a remixtape to fans comprised of unreleased music and reworkings from his Blak and Blu debut.

On Monday night in New Orleans, the House of Blues was graced with the presence of one of the next generation’s blues guitar heroes, Gary Clark Jr.  Clark, who spent his years learning guitar in Austin, Texas, was preceded onstage by fellow Texans the Moeller Brothers, both bands lending a similar southern blues rock sound to a sold-out room of ears.

Electric Forest is a place where you can be anything you want to be.  I wanted to be Ben Franklin so I built myself a big ol Kite like totem and trotted off into the old Rothbury woods for four days and nights of frivolity, fantasy, and purple lasers majesty.