One of the interesting twists to this year's 10,000 Lakes Festival is the inclusion of two new bands with some screeching metal influences. One is Dub Trio out of Brooklyn, bringing hip-hop and hard core with a peaceful message, and the other is The Hue, out of Chicago.

One of the most unusual acts at this year's 10,000 Lakes Festival is Minneapolis artist, Heatbox.   Aaron Heaton, performing as Heatbox for the past five years, has created a one-man show that has to be seen to be believed. He's not a comedian, and he's not a singer or a rapper, though there is some of that in his show.  He definitely is not a musician, and he's the first to admit that.

Merging American rock with African benga music from Kenya is a bold mix, but Extra Golden has the daring and the chops to do it. Ian Eagleson (guitar) had been studying African music since 1995, traveling as often as he could to Kenya to document traditional popular music played by the masters of the craft. When Eagleson got a visa to live and conduct his research on his Ph.D.

This summer, The Waybacks are making a very special effort to bring their eclectic music to this year's 10,000 Lakes Festival in Detroit Lakes, MN next week. "We had the whole trip planned," James Nash, guitarist and lead singer for the band, explained, "and we got the 10KLF offer. We really wanted to do it so we just squeezed it in. We're playing in Nashville and then we're zooming up to Minnesota. We're flying from there over to the Northeast to finish up our trip.

The sixth annual 10,000 Lakes Festival (10KLF) held July 23-26 at the Soo Pass Ranch in Detroit Lakes, MN announces another round of artist confirmations by adding:

Deep Banana Blackout


Extra Golden

Papa Mali

New Primitives

God Johnson



The sixth annual 10,000 Lakes Festival (10KLF) held July 23-26 at the Soo Pass Ranch in Detroit Lakes, MN returns as the Midwest's premiere camping and music destination event with an additional round of artist confirmations.  Campgrounds are filling quickly based on the excitement of the festival's diverse selection of already announced artists.  10KLF 2008 will also feature performances from:

The sixth annual 10,000 Lakes Festival (10KLF) is proud to announce the initial lineup for this year's celebration of music, nature and community.  Held July 23–26 at the Soo Pass Ranch in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, 10KLF continues to grow as Al Schnier guitarist from moe. calls the 10,000 Lakes Festival "one of those great spots you tell all your friends about."

With over sixty bands on the final lineup, the 10,000 Lakes Festival announces initial artists for the 2008 event with performances from:

Phil Lesh & Friends

With the festival's initial lineup announcement still a few weeks away, the 10,000 Lakes Festival (10KLF) and OurStage announce the fourth annual Cosmic Break Tour.  Through OurStage.com, this year's 10KLF Cosmic Break Tour will present musicians nationwide with the opportunity to perform in front of thousands of enthusiastic festival-goers at the 6th annual 10,000 Lakes Festival, held July 23-26 in Detroit Lakes, MN.

Hey kids! Sorry this review is so late, but life always gets in the way once you return from a fest huh? Anyway, I moved to another state so that was a bit disruptive, then I got almost entirely finished with this little piece here, and the house got struck by lightning! And wouldn't it just figure that the two things that got smoked were some files I had open on another computer (including this review) and my beloved stereo! Heartbreak all around. I digress. Hope everyone had a great summer and are finding some cool musical events for the upcoming lovely fall weather.

Check out some of the terrific photos Amanda took at the 10KLF on behalf of the Grateful Web... we'll add some more pictures this weekend. And keep your eyes peeled for Amanda's 10KLF review and more from Janie coming soon too...


The Grateful Web
