The Church Of Sunday Morning Festivities at MerleFest welcomes new and returning members. While the Church only meets once a year, this single sermon will keep your mind and heart full of love for your neighbors. Inspiring a love strong enough to get you through until next year’s MerleFest, if not a lifetime.Sunday’s musical sermon offered testimony and devotions from Reverend Roy Robyns, the Spirit of Sunday with the Nashville Bluegrass Band, the Avett Family Gospel Hour (Jim Avett and Family), Southern Gospel with the South Carolina Broadcasters, Women Who Sing traditional Music (featuring Tara Nevins, Laura Boosinger, Carol Rifkin and Ivy Sheppard) and Sunday Morning Blues with Roy Book Binder. The South Carolina Broadcasters are coming off Saturday performances which featured many gospel classics resulting in multiple standing ovations from the folks fortunate enough to be in attendance for the Broadcaster’s performances. Being lively in spirit, strong vocally and very talented with their instruments make the South Carolina Broadcasters a must hear and a must see.Everybody is minding their manners while being perfectly content sitting or standing under a tent. When coming to a crossing, it is not unusual to see the right of way given freely to fellow Merlefest attendees. A huge tent, not being the most decorated of churches, provides an outdoor setting that is serene and perfect for reflection. A quick aside, sitting outside breathing fresh air works wonder all of its own. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that most people spend an average of ninety to ninety-five percent of their day inside. Whatever the reason may be folks, get outside more often and enjoy yourself.Everybody is thinking of their given blessings and obstacles to overcome while listening to songs that encourage kindness and realizing reasons to be grateful. Our blessings usually play a larger and longer lasting role than the obstacles we face yet the blessings can get lost in the shuffle. No matter the spiritual or the religious views one may have, nobody can find fault with kindness being realized and folks striving to make wise choices. Sunday morning at MerleFest will help with getting your priorities, appreciating and making the most of your blessings, straight.