
Florida is increasingly becoming the epicenter of climate change impacts in the United States. The state faces numerous climate-related challenges, including rising sea levels, extreme heat, and intensified hurricanes. Meteorologists and climate scientists have been sounding the alarm for years, warning about the severe consequences if immediate actions are not taken to mitigate these effects.

Today, U.S. Senators John Hickenlooper and Marsha Blackburn introduced the bipartisan American Music Tourism Act to support and increase music tourism by requiring the Commerce Department to implement a plan to increase and attract domestic and international visitors to venues nationwide.

Lauren Boebert's role as a U.S. Representative for Colorado's 3rd congressional district has been as controversial as it has been confrontational. Known for her fervent advocacy of Second Amendment rights, her tenure in Congress is marked not only by her extreme political stances but also by her blatant disregard for traditional decorum and ethical standards.


At the age of 17, faced with a crossroads in life, I made a decision that would shape my future in ways I could never have anticipated. Growing up in Paramus, New Jersey, my days were filled with the usual teenage diversions: Grateful Dead concerts, hanging out with friends, and the thrill of young love. But as high school graduation approached, my father, a World War II veteran and a strict disciplinarian, made it clear that idling was not an option.


As the news of Governor Kristi Noem's actions spread like wildfire across South Dakota, the community was left reeling in shock and disbelief. The story of her 14-month-old wire-haired terrier, Cricket, meeting an untimely and brutal end at her own hands, shook the very foundations of compassion and decency.


In the rich diversity of human belief and understanding, the juxtaposition between faith and science has long been a topic of contemplation, debate, and, at times, conflict. It's an exploration of what we see, what we believe, and what we can prove. At the heart of this discourse is the question of why, despite the vast and compelling evidence supporting evolutionary biology and the commonalities we share with the animal kingdom, many cling to religious beliefs and the concept of a divine being or beings.


#iVoted Concerts is back for what is sure to be a very busy 2024 election year. To celebrate, the non-partisan non-profit has partnered with Propeller for fans to take action and score tickets to Madison and Milwaukee concerts courtesy of FPC Live, The Pabst Theatre Group and Nō Studios. The public can do so by submitting a selfie from outside their polling place or at home with a blank & unmarked ballot. Future voters can score tickets by sharing what election they will be 18 for.

On January 6, 2021, a significant event in American history unfolded at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. It was a day marked by unprecedented violence and chaos, deeply shaking the foundations of American democracy.


The much-anticipated second issue of 1/6: The Graphic Novel is now available, offering a deeper and more complex exploration of a world where the January 6th insurrection was successful. Harvard Law School Professor Alan Jenkins and New York Times bestselling author Gan Golan, alongside veteran comic book artist Will Rosado, continue their provocative narrative under the auspices of the Western States Center.


*This article contains image-like descriptions of violence that can be triggering.*

On the morning of October 7, 2023, the inaugural "Supernova Sukkot" psytrance rave near the Gaza Strip resulted in over 260 fatalities and hundreds of injuries. Promoted as a "journey of unity and love," the event has left over one hundred festival attendees unaccounted for, either held captive or awaiting recovery.
