Harmonic Hues of Hawkins: Unveiling Be's 'Can Dreams Come True'

Article Contributed by gratefulweb | Published on Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Dive deep into the mystical realms with Be's latest sonic masterpiece, "Can Dreams Come True." Imbibing in rich Indian flavors, the track serves as a tribute to the profound influence of North Indian Classical music, yoga, and meditation on frontman David Hawkins’ life.

"Can Dreams Come True" swirls with echoes reminiscent of George Harrison's spiritual musical voyages. The song lingers between two worlds: the ethereal realms of spiritual connection and the tangible yearnings for human contact. Each note strikes a chord, echoing the sentiments of poets like Rumi, who envisioned the Divine as a passionate lover.

David Hawkins - photo ©Jill Amroze

In an exclusive conversation with Grateful Web, David Hawkins shares, "George Harrison’s melding raga elements with rock had inspired me early on... Their time in India ended up having a big impact on me more than just musically." For Hawkins, this influence was not just about music but also paved the way to his own spiritual revelations. "The yearning in the song is as much for human connection and union with the One as it is for transcendence... When the band surges and the tablas and hand drums come in, I’m transported back to that temple in my mind."

The song is an ode to the enduring power of the Divine Feminine, a beacon of hope and transformation in tumultuous times. Whether you're drawn by the allure of its spiritual depth or the mesmerizing rhythms, "Can Dreams Come True" is a journey worth embarking upon.

Listen to the track and let it whisk you away to realms unknown, and if it resonates, make it a permanent part of your collection on Bandcamp.

For more updates on Be and to connect with David Hawkins, follow the band on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Feel the surge of the band, let the tablas and hand drums resonate within, and question, "Can Dreams Come True?"