Eggy Raised The Warehouse at FTC's roof

Article Contributed by Jamie Huenefeld | Published on Sunday, May 12, 2024

Eggy, the jam rock quartet from Connecticut, returned to The Warehouse at FTC in Fairfield, CT, on May 4, 2024, for their seventh performance at this gem of a venue in the Constitution State. They sold out the show, as they have been doing quite frequently in the Northeast this year. They also crushed this special two-set show on their home turf and brought the lucky fans in attendance along for the ride.

Drummer Alex Bailey | Eggy

The music kicked off with "Backyard Bear," which fittingly debuted at the smaller StageOneFTC venue next door in 2019. Drummer Alex Bailey flexed his vocals while guitarist Jake Brownstein led the nice jam buildup that followed. The song moved into the melodic "Nearly Always Late," sung by keyboardist Dani Battat, who also added a vibrant touch on the synth.

Keyboardist Dani Battat | Eggy

"A Moment's Notice" cleverly followed. Bailey kept the song going on the drums as the rest of the band hopped into "Time Loves a Hero" by Little Feat. This is one of Eggy's best covers and a treat for those in the audience this evening. It was last played on December 5, 2023, at the Heartwood Soundstage in Gainesville, FL. A slow funk jam ensued, led by Battat, which had the fans smiling, before landing squarely back in "Time Loves a Hero."

Eggy | The Warehouse at FTC

The jam flowed nicely into the old school original, "Fragments," which included a sparkly jam of its own. A twenty-four-minute "Northern Lights" was up next and did not disappoint. Bassist Michael Goodman was all smiles as he laid down a thumping bass line that tied this high-energy tune together, while Bailey was on the kit at a racing speed. Brownstein's guitar licks at the end sealed the deal on this face-melting song and ended this heater set.

Eggy | The Warehouse at FTC

The band returned after a quick break and was firing on all cylinders for the newer tune "You." Battat delivered his notable synth game to this twenty-two-minute song that was considerably darker and more ominous than the overall bubbly first set. The jam ventured in several directions as Bailey showed his strength on the drums. The band pulled together perfectly during a well-orchestrated section of tension and release that brought this raging song home.

Bassist Michael Goodman | Eggy

A well-orchestrated segue into "Atomic Age" followed, with more tasty teases from "You." Brownstein was steadfast in a dark, ethereal jam. The band skillfully shifted into the slow funk burn of "All Wheels Turnin'." Battat once again stood out and stood up with more sensational synth jamming, followed by well-placed organ accompaniment. When Battat stands up, the fans know to get down. The darker side of Eggy resurfaced as the band dug into the belly of "All Wheels Turnin'." This melodically transformed into Emily King's "Remind Me." Bailey lent his stellar vocals to the cover, which brought delight to the crowd.

Eggy | Fairfield, CT

Upon conclusion of "Remind Me," the band finally came up for air, as they had not stopped playing since set two began. They shifted into the newer ballad "What I Know," sung by the vocally gifted Bailey, giving everyone a much-needed chill moment. The set ended with the upbeat tune "Smile." The funky layers gelled as Brownstein and Battat were locked in with one another. "All we gotta do is smile," indeed.

Fans enjoyed the show | Eggy

The band returned for one final tune but not without thanking the audience first. They launched into a special rendition of "Sister Golden Hair" by America, dedicated to their friend Joe Mango, who sang this song with the band in 2019 before sadly passing away. This included the lyrics "in a world full of lemons, be a mango." This bust-out cover hadn't been played in 177 shows and was last performed at the Levitt Pavilion on July 30, 2022.

Eggy | Fairfield, CT | Photo by Vinny Vallely

Eggy delivered a flaming hot show for their hometown fans, and continues to create unique and original music night after night. We long for more shows where they play two sets. They are reaching new heights with festivals and venues, such as being on the lineup for Bonnaroo and Electric Forest this year. They are up next at The Dominion Energy River Rock Festival in Richmond, VA, on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Head on over to their tour page and catch this red-hot quartet in your neck of the woods.

Check out more photos from the show!

Set One: Backyard Bear > Nearly Always Late > A Moments Notice, Time Loves A Hero[1] > Fragments, Northern Lights
Set Two: You-> Atomic Age[2] > All Wheels Turnin'-> Remind Me[3], What I Know, Smile
Encore: Sister Golden Hair[4]
[1] Little Feat cover
[2] With “You” teases and quotes
[3] Emily King cover
[4] Dedicated to Joe Mango

Setlist via The Carton

Guitarist Jake Brownstein | Eggy

Drummer Alex Bailey | Photo by Vinny Vallely

Eggy | Fairfield, CT

Eggy | The Warehouse at FTC

Keyboardist Dani Battat | Eggy | Photo by Vinny Vallely

Eggy | The Warehouse at FTC

Bassist Michael Goodman | Eggy