July 2004

Grateful Web was born in a basement—well, digitally anyway—in July of 1995, but the idea first sparked in June, driving into New York City from Wyckoff, NJ. Mike and Barney Moran, two wide-eyed, music-loving brothers, hit the bong, turned up the Grateful Dead (specifically March 1st, 1969), and imagined something wild about to happen with this newfangled thing called the internet. When the name "Grateful Web" suddenly popped into conversation, it felt so perfect their legs literally shuddered with excitement.


"Fahrenheit 9/11," Michael Moore's latest documentary, gives a detailed account of the events leading up to 9/11 and the President's response. As the movie opens it recounts how Bush literally stole the Presidency, with the help of his brother Jeb Bush, the Governor of Florida, and his friend, Republican Secretary of State Katherine Harris. The movie potrays how African-American voters in Florida were disenfranchised and how no member of the U.S. Senate was willing to sign their petition to investigate the election.
