Jorma Kaukonen's Quaratine Concert #11 on Saturday

Article Contributed by Cash Edwards M… | Published on Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Join us this week as Jorma Kaukonen performs his 11th solo FREE Quarantine Concert from the Fur Peace Ranch this coming Saturday, June 13 at 8 p.m. EDT.  Week after week Jorma brings wonder to his audiences reminiscing both in song and with stories about his music, his heros and the history of his career. Keeping safe from the virus, carefully monitoring his familiy's activities on the beautiful grounds of the Fur Peace Ranch Jorma reveals gems of of traditional songs along with his poignant instrumentals and his meaningful songs.

Go to the Fur Peace Ranch YouTube Channel and subscribe! Please set your notifications "on" to receive the actual link to watch the show or alternatively go to his YouTube channel shortly before 8 p.m. evry Saturday and type in Jorma's name. Jorma Kaukonen, he's the only one!

The link to subscribe and view Fur Peace Ranch's Channel is:

In a career that has already spanned a half-century, legendary guitarist and vocalist, Jorma Kaukonen is one of the most highly respected interpreters of American roots music, blues, and Americana, and at the forefront of popular rock-and-roll. A member of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and a Grammy recipient, he is a founding member of two legendary bands, Jefferson Airplane and the still-touring Hot Tuna. Jorma Kaukonen’s repertoire goes far beyond his involvement creating psychedelic rock; he is a legend and one of the finest singer-songwriters and master instrumentalist in music today. Jorma tours the world bringing his unique styling to old blues and writing new songs with insight and imagination.

It truly is amazing how a great artist can continually perform authentic unfiltered renditions of both his own and time honored traditional songs.  Join in for an hour or so, lean back and enjoy the music.

On Quarantine Concert #6 Joma and John Hurlbut, ranch manager and musical buddy for over 40 years, invited the audience to sing along on the chorus to "This Your Land is Your Land," record it on video, and send it in. Award winning videographer Andie Walla then produced this fun. Take a listen to how Jorma and Vanessa Kaukonen include the world right from their home!