Moira Smiley Unveils Immersive New Album and Book Project, "The Rhizome Project," Set for Release on September 6, 2024

Article Contributed by Ron Kadish PR | Published on Thursday, July 25, 2024

Renowned vocalist and composer Moira Smiley, known for her collaborations with Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Tune-Yards, Solas, and Tim O’Brien, is set to release an ambitious new album and book project this fall. Titled "The Rhizome Project," this self-released work is a multifaceted collection of songs, stories, and reflections that delve deep into the roots and connections of music and humanity.

The Rhizome Project: An Album, A Book, A Bundle, A Root System

"The Rhizome Project" is more than just an album. It is an immersive experience encompassing a book, a collection, a bundle, a root system, a packet of seeds, a rhizome. This innovative project invites listeners into a curated collection of folk songs that have profoundly shaped Smiley’s musical journey, creating a cohesive narrative that makes sense when experienced together.

Moira Smiley's Vision

“Making a music album — maybe especially in an era when most of us listen to singles, playlists, and fragments — can invite a listener into a collection of ideas or feelings that make more sense when gathered together,” says Smiley. “Curating an album of folk songs that ‘formed me’ helps me make sense of the new sounds I create today. Gathering these songs, these stories, and these pictures helps me know why certain songs (and people) keep nurturing and challenging me across decades — allowing me to remain a ‘resonant reed.’”

Smiley reflects on her childhood, where songs were shared treasures, like stones, shells, and leaves gathered on a walk. The accompanying book, "The Rhizome Song Stories," offers personal insights into her musical journey, making sense of the world through the lens of a musician. Though it complements the album, the book also stands alone, offering readers a profound connection to Smiley's artistic process.

A Journey Through Song

Several songs in "The Rhizome Project" were pivotal in giving Smiley the confidence to sing solo, while others instilled fundamental ethics that have shaped her voice. “I remember realizing sometime around age 10 that I belonged to generations of little voices raised bravely and plainly - close to the natural world, and singing in spite of our insignificance,” she recalls. These songs serve as a protest and a reminder to embrace wonder and awe.

The Essence of Connection

Smiley describes herself as a “worker bee for music, an introvert, and dreamer who travels to make my living.” The project reflects the lessons she has learned in her forties, shaped by the landscapes and people she calls home. "The Rhizome Project" celebrates the powerful, often hidden connections that bind us, much like the unseen roots of a rhizome.

Release Information

"The Rhizome Project" will be released on Friday, September 6, 2024, featuring folk songs arranged for a string quartet. The album includes four singles:

    John O Dreams (featuring Naomi Shihab Nye and Seamus Egan) - Release Date: July 18, 2024
    Now Is The Cool Of The Day - Release Date: August 6, 2024
    Go Dig My Grave (featuring Merrill Garbus of Tune-Yards) - Release Date: August 26, 2024
    My Son David (featuring Taylor Ashton) - Release Date: September 6, 2024
