Rex Foundation Positive News & New Solar Energy Connection

Article Contributed by Rex Foundation | Published on Monday, April 18, 2011

Go Solar!

The Rex Foundation community of grantees and supporters provide positive news to remind us of all the good work being done every day to address current challenges.

Check out our recently published Food for Thought feature about the International Senior Lawyers Project (ISLP), recipient of the 2004 Rex Foundation Bill Graham Award.  As you will see, since 2001, ISLP has been providing much needed legal expertise to help nations across the world effectively deal with major challenges from natural disasters to political upheaval.  Even as we read about the current struggles in the Middle East, ISLP is providing helpful expertise and guidance.

Last month, Sarah Crowell, Artistic Director of Rex Grantee Destiny Arts Center, was honored by San Francisco's Public TV Station KQED as a 2011 "Women's History Hero".  Here is more information about the honor, and why Sarah's work and that of Destiny Arts Center are so deserving of this recognition.

Knowing that migrating to renewable energy, along with conservation, is vital to environmental health, we are pleased to announce a connection with Sungevity, a company seeking to expand availability of affordable solar energy while also supporting non-profit work.  Click here to get the details on how Sungevity's solar energy lease program might work for your home and, if so, how Rex will be supported as well.

The Rex Foundation is honored to be a vehicle for charitable contributions to support the essential work of grassroots non-profit programs, like HeadCount, pictured here.   The following are different ways you can help support Rex Foundation work while also enjoying great music and connection:

  • Join Kuli Loach on Sunday, April 17 when they will play Grateful Dead music at the historic Blue Moon in Seattle, WA, helping celebrate the venue's 77th anniversary while also supporting Rex.  Here are the details. We thank Kuli Loach and all the other musicians and businesses who are part of the Rex Musical Caravan for their ongoing generosity and support of Rex and grassroots giving. E-mail us at or call 415-561-3134 to get on board the Caravan.
  • We are excited to announce the release of 12 tracks of outstanding music from the December 4, 2010 Rex Benefit Concert "The Wheel - A Musical Celebration of Jerry Garcia." Enjoy the unique musical experience that took place at The Fillmore in San Francisco, bringing together Jesse McReynolds, Peter Rowan, David Nelson and their respective band members to play Jerry Garcia/ Robert Hunter and traditional American roots songs together. Click here for the full story of the connections the gifted musicians shared with Jerry Garcia, as well as to obtain the download versions and CD of the music, and see all who have made this release possible.
  • Check out the "Support Rex's Work" page of our website to see how you can make a charitable contribution, while also enjoying music, Rex merchandise and other goodies.