Urgent Appeal to Save Gray Wolves from Nationwide Eradication: Donate Today to Protect Endangered Wolves

Article Contributed by gratefulweb | Published on Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The removal of Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for gray wolves in the Northern Rockies has triggered a devastating campaign against these iconic creatures in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Wolves in these states are being hunted using bait, neck snares, helicopters, and night hunting with spotlights. In Wyoming, the law even permits killing a wolf by intentionally running it over with a snowmobile. Now, this threat is poised to expand nationwide.

A new provision, quietly inserted into a must-pass federal spending bill by certain members of Congress, seeks to strip gray wolves of their endangered species protections across the entire country. If passed, this measure could lead to a nationwide eradication campaign against wolves, endangering their survival.

To combat this threat, Environment Colorado is urgently calling for public support. Donations are crucial to stop this provision and protect gray wolves from extinction.

Donate Now to Help Save the Gray Wolf: https://environmentamerica.org/colorado/take-action/donate-to-help-save-the-gray-wolf/

A Critical Moment in Wolf Conservation

By the early 1900s, gray wolves were nearly exterminated in the Lower 48 states. Thanks to the ESA, they have made a remarkable recovery in 13 states, slowly reclaiming their natural habitats. However, this progress is under severe threat.

Earlier this year, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill, sponsored by Rep. Lauren Boebert (Colo.), aimed at removing ESA protections for gray wolves. This move disregards scientific evidence, the determinations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the current status of wolf populations. While the U.S. Senate did not bring this bill to a vote, the push to dismantle wolf protections continues, with anti-wolf forces in Congress intensifying their efforts.

The Consequences of Removing Protections

Should this provision become law, wolves across the country will face lethal threats. The dangers are clear—after wolves lost protection in 2021, hunters in Wisconsin killed 216 wolves in just a few days.

Environment Colorado’s Plan to Save the Wolves

In response, Environment Colorado is mobilizing grassroots support to oppose this dangerous provision in Congress. The organization is also advocating for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to fully restore ESA protections for gray wolves in the Northern Rockies, where wolves are currently being hunted by the hundreds.

How the Public Can Help

To prevent a nationwide eradication of gray wolves, Environment Colorado is appealing to the public for support. Donations will directly fund efforts to protect these endangered animals and ensure their survival.

Make a Donation Today to Save the Gray Wolf: https://environmentamerica.org/colorado/take-action/donate-to-help-save-the-gray-wolf/

Environment Colorado believes that, with public support, gray wolves can continue to thrive in the wild. Time is of the essence—immediate action is necessary to safeguard one of America’s most iconic species.
