Video Premiere: The Coffis Brothers' 'You Ain't Got The Heart'

Article Contributed by Mixtape Media | Published on Tuesday, May 30, 2017

This is a straight ahead Rock & Roll song. There's a little bit of that sense of angst and that sort of "I don't need" attitude which is always a fun lyrical message to deliver in a song. We've been playing this song for about two years in our set and it's become a favorite of our fans. I think our friends and fans will be really excited to finally have a recording of it."

'Andy Zenczak, who produced the album, also created the vision and directed the music video, which is our first non-performance video. I think it's a fun video that shows us in a different light to our fans. With the help of warrior girls, Hayley Alger, Taylor Harrington, Ava Marinos, Ava Poitras, and Lizzie Sepeda, we shot this whole video on one freezing cold day in Hollister, California at Tag Paintball."