
Just announced additions to the already stellar Noise Pop 2010 lineup include Har Mar Superstar making a special appearance at the Diesel/ Live 105 Happy Hour at Benders on February 23rd, Thao Nguyen will join Mirah on stage at the Swedish American Hall for a first ever collaborative performance, Citay joins Scout Niblett at Cafe du Nord and a second screening of Blood into Wine has been added by popular demand.



The Disco Biscuits are taking the pre-order game to a whole new level. Everyone and their mother does the signed CD/poster/ticket bundle (which they'll be doing too), but that's not the good stuff.

Magnolia Row played to a sardine can crowd for Fat Tuesday at the West End Tavern in Boulder on 2/16/2010.  I have heard a Yonder Mountain String Band bootleg where in the middle of “My Darling One” he proclaims to the crowd how kewl they all are.


It started in a bedroom studio as a solo project, writing, playing and self-recording as a one-man-band. After the release of two solo albums under the name The Antlers, "Uprooted" and "In the Attic of the Universe," founder Peter Silberman started the recording of "Hospice." During the two year process, Michael Lerner and Darby Cicci joined the band as permanent members, and now the trio is on an American tour with British band the Editors.

A while ago, John Butler cut his hair.  After sporting a set a dread locks for much of his adult life, the guitar master decided to chop them all off.

I’ve always secretly felt badly for people with birthdays that fell during the deep winter.  Mine’s in late August.. Pretty much everywhere I’ve ever lived or visited, I’ve found August to be lush, warm, and full of nature’s bounty.  Birthday gatherings for me were pretty much always outside, and in nature.

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