
Congressman Beauprez has renewed his membership to the notorious "Dirty Dozen" group of enemies of the environment, the first time a gubernatorial candidate has earned a spot on the annual list.

As reported in various media outlets today, the non-partisan League of Conservation Voters on Wednesday announced that the Congressman's abysmal voting record on environmental issues led to once again naming him a member of Congress's "Dirty Dozen."


In jam rock, the line between imitation and evolution can be woefully blurry.  Often, the farther the bands and the scene get from the Grateful Dead seed, the harder the listener has to work in order to derive an original experience from the music.

Driving drums, noodling bass, swirling guitars and thin vocals rushing through stoner lyrics - we've all been there.  And by and large, we like it there.  Comfort candy for the ears.

But back at the source, something old is new again.  Welcome to the Swamp.

Harvest Jam is one of the most anticipated fall festivals in the Midwest as this temporary musical city pulls folks from all over the region into Legend Valley in Thornville, Ohio for a weekend of continuous music and entertainment October 5 - 7.

This press release is to proudly announce that local west Sonoma County lighting design company Liquid Light Productions has taken up management of the historic River Theater in Guerneville and to announce our first Music event.

We need not recap the 11 year history of this wondrous event, held for five years now at the Indian Lookout Country Club in Mariaville, NY.  We need no account of the heartfelt and soulful preparation put in by the original "Deadhead Heaven" promoters, Terrapin Tapes and Dupree's Diamond News, to commemorate the life and music of Jerry Garcia.  These details have been covered numerous times in other reports.  All we need is to be here

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