Umphrey's McGee Asheville Official After Party Feb 7

Article Contributed by Musical Earth | Published on Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Announcing the Nic Nac Soirée: Umphrey's McGee’s Asheville Official After Party Sat. Feb. 7

This Saturday, February 7 music fans in Western North Carolina will be treated to a unique event at the Asheville Music Hall. Following the evening’s performance by Umphrey’s McGee at the local arena, all interested fans can continue to celebrate late night by joining Umphrey’s guitarist Jake Cinninger and keyboardist Joel Cummins, the entire band of Tauk and very special guests who cannot be announced yet.

Presented by Nic Nac Enterprises, the proceeds from this event support a fund designed to help struggling musicians across the region. The event aims to approach each show in a completely innovative way by dropping the hierarchy in bands to present legendary musicians in intimate settings. The ultimate goal of the Nic Nac Soirée is to revolutionize music and encourage the interaction between bands and their fans.

Tickets for the late night event are only available at the door for $18 and to those 21 and over, as advance tickets have sold out. Doors open at 11 PM with music from Makayan starting things off before the Main Event gets going post-UM. More information is available at:

