Ancient Future

Ancient Future, pioneers of world fusion music, are excited to announce the release of their first-ever cover of a popular song, "Purple Haze (Vietnamese Đàn Bầu Style)," on January 10, 2025. This release pays homage to Jimi Hendrix's original recording of "Purple Haze," which began on this same date in 1967. Pre-orders will be available across all major streaming platforms beginning September 18, 2024.

Guitarist Matthew Montfort was the inaugural performer of a series of online Alternate Reality Concerts from the Ancient Future on his birthday in February 2021. Ancient Future’s last pre-pandemic performance was in September 2019 at the Kentucky Mine Amphitheater in Sierra City, California.

Subscribers to the Ancient Future Times wrote to suggest that Ancient Future offer virtual concerts during the pandemic and beyond. A new series of Alternate Reality Concerts from the Ancient Future was created in response, and Matthew Montfort was the inaugural performer on his birthday, February 12, 2021.To sign up for upcoming shows, simply send your email address to Put "Alternate Reality Concert" in the subject.

On 6/16/16, six new pieces and a video make their debut in the the fan funded Archive of Future Ancient Recordings, which gives supporters access to Ancient Future recordings as they are created. There are four new tracks, two of which feature two compositions, the first serving as an introduction to the second. There are now 13 tracks totaling 86 minutes and 51 seconds of music in the archive.

Archived news