October 2008

Another Friday night in Downtown Boulder, CO.  It was one of the biggest crowds I'd seen lately at the Boulder Theater, the kind where once you're in, you're only getting out again at the expense of your standing room – it would be filled by someone else when you get back.  I felt extremely lucky to have been there at all, since the show was sold out, had been for a week or more, and I only just got the call telling me I would be on the clock covering the show earlier in the afternoon.&nbsp

I hope that you and I have something in common. I hope, like me, you have a few events in your life, maybe a handful even, that are unique. Not unique because they only happened to you, like that time your Aunt Rosemary pinched your ass as you walked by her at Easter Brunch. You can save that unique event for your therapist. No, I'm talking about the type of unique event where you didn't wonder if this was going to be a momentous occasion while you were experiencing it. You knew it was going to be important before it ever took place.