February 2015

Before I saw Joe Russo’s Almost Dead for the first time Monday night, I totally misunderstood the band’s titular pun. I can’t help but laugh at my sheer stupidity, but I thought it was a combination of  “Hey, we’re a Grateful Dead cover band” and “When our drummer parties, we have 911 on speed dial”. But just 15 minutes into Joe Russo’s Almost Dead's first set at the Boulder Theater, it dawned on me.

Musical genius and performer extraordinaire, That1Guy has released his latest track and video, “Bomb Dignity”. The improvised a cappella jam was created with just voice, foot stomping and handclaps, along with old-timey approach and a monstrosity of metal, strings and electronics called, The Magic Pipe. Also, as an added treat, The Magic Pipe controls the sonic manipulation of the vocals live as it’s played and sung.

Under The Willow will head out on tour this Spring saying farewell to Florida, and hello again to Chicago.  The tour will begin in Tampa, the band's home base for the Winter. The band will tour their way through the Southeast and ​the Midwest, landing in Chicago, their native home.

Singer-songwriter Bobby Long is celebrating the completion of his forthcoming third album with a series of new live appearances. The British-born New Yorker joins the roster for three upcoming Communion Music shows in March-his first participation in the popular music series-beginning with their March 4 show at Milkboy in Philadelphia.  He returns to New York's Mercury Lounge on Saturday, March 14.

Buffalo's groove rock machine Aqueous will continue their rapid growth and expanding audiences with an extensive spring/early summer tour. Featuring a first ever run in Colorado - hitting Vail, Telluride, and Denver twice - the boys will also hit multiple cities in the north east and mid west.
