August 2015

The law of Resonance provides the answers as to how the law of attraction operates and creates the events, conditions and circumstances in your life. With this in mind, the Resonance Music Fest is set to be a gathering of like-minded, motivated, music loving individuals.

The last day of Rhythms on the Rio 2015 was clear and sunny—and really quite pleasant temperature-wise. The day’s event began as Saturday’s did with YogaDurango offering an hour all-levels yoga class for festivalgoers. This free class was well attended by about twenty, very obvious advanced yoga practitioners yesterday, who were stretched out on the grass and under canopies. Today’s participants were fewer. But yoga seemed to set a tone for a laid back kind of day today, though the music was definitely hot.

Today’s Rhythms on the Rio opened up with heavy cloud cover, promising rain. That’s not a good sign with an outdoor festival, but these Coloradoans are a hardy lot and will dance to music no matter the condition. For Blake Himert and his sound crew, though, it’s a lot of extra tarping and strategic towel placement, which they already did a bit Friday night. Luckily, what rain we did have was light that came mid-afternoon.

On Saturday, August 22, 2015, BLANKfest, a wide-ranging festival celebrating the city’s rich entertainment culture, will take place in Market Square. Presented by BLANK Newspaper and, this year’s iteration will benefit Knoxville-based nonprofit agency Positively Living. In addition to the outdoor stage in the square, participating venues will include Scruffy City Hall, Preservation Pub and Cocoa Moon.


Col. Bruce Hampton and the Aquarium Rescue Unit’s reputation rests on freelance improvisation and artisanal jazz and blues, but twenty-five years of observational polish didn’t hurt the second of two nights at the Fox Theatre in Boulder, Colorado. Like old friends shooting the breeze, they’d already revitalized their well-established familiarity. The sights and sounds were altered, but haven’t they always been?

Rhythms on the Rio is celebrating its tenth year, bringing music to the San Luis Valley of Colorado. And the South Fork Music Association (SFMA) pulled out all the stops!