April 2019

Seattle-based all female rock band Thunderpussy shares a fiery cover of Jefferson Airplane’s “Somebody To Love” today, ahead of a Supreme Court case on April 15 that will determine the fate of trademarking their name. Of the song, the band says, “At a time when it feels like empathy and compassion are lost and the polarization of thoughts and ideas is paramount, maybe it’s time to stop looking for someone to blame and instead find someone to love.“

Ever since Dopapod announced their return from hiatus marked by a Capitol Theatre play on April 27th, 2019, fans have been wondering if new music was on the horizon. Earlier this week that suspicion was confirmed with the band's release of "Numbers Need Humans," the first single from their upcoming record, Emit Time, due out May 24th, 2019.


Papadosio have just kicked off their Spring 2019 Content Coma tour which celebrates their fifth studio album release, Content Coma. The progressive-rock and synth-jam outfit is best known for their organic synergy, their explosive set lists that never repeat, and for their versatility across multiple genres of progressive rock, electronica, psychedelia, and more. Each of their shows is filled with mesmerizing instrumentation, improvisational skills, and intricate visual production, making the band a f

There's something intangible about a first-time festival, and the community it brings together to celebrate the universal love language -- music. Suwannee Rising did just that last week, April 4-6, gifting roughly 3,500 visitors to the Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park with a brand new experience under the trees of Live Oak, FL. 

If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to ask for a glass of milk. If you give a moose a muffin, he’ll want some jam to go with it. If you give a Pigeon a Ping Pong, he will create high-energy psychedelic funk music from jam given to previously said moose. By now you’ve heard the name Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, rising up the ranks of the jam world and dominating sold-out shows around the country. Their energy is unmatchable, their enthusiasm is undeniable, and they are just getting things started.

High Sierra Music Festival’s famed late night venues will be filled with music fans once again for this year’s late-night shows from July 4th to July 7th in Quincy, CA.  Ticketed separately from the main festival, High Sierra late