Brother Neil to release Away Avenue Away

Brother Neil's new album 'Away Avenue Away' is almost here. It's a project that Neil labored over with his childhood friend and music partner Mike Whaling for two years. The journey started and was completed at an old dance hall in Russeldale, Ontario that Mike had converted into a studio. Russeldale is a town without a population, a perfect setting to build a studio free of distractions. There was talk that the building was haunted and psychics had even evaluated the space years before. The mediums had claimed to feel the spirits of a woman and a small child. One of the spirits names was Sarah. They agreed the hall should be called "Sarah's Hall." They felt welcome and comfortable in the space and recorded most of the record in that great room. The natural acoustics created a remarkable atmosphere. A warmth that emulated the sound of classic soul recordings, with the effervescence and exploration of modern recordings. The classic sound envelopes first single 'Off My Mind,' creating a vibe that has one foot in the retro stylings of the past, while also creating a unique signature sound, that only this location with these players could create.
Listen here: brotherneil/01-off-my-mind
The new LP 'Away Avenue Away' is out June 30th.