Lighting the Way for Candace Brightman: Our Turn to Give Back

Article Contributed by Dennis McNally | Published on Friday, July 12, 2024

Candace Brightman, the longtime lighting designer for the Grateful Dead, is facing significant financial and medical challenges. Known for her brilliant work that brought the band's performances to life, Candace is now battling health issues that have left her weak and unable to care for herself fully. She needs our help to afford the care she desperately needs.

There aren’t many people on the Grateful Dead tour that I loved more than Candace. She was not only a brilliant lighting designer but also a hilarious, loving, smart, and lovely person. Once, during a band meeting, Candace asked for extra money. Jerry Garcia, always quick with a quip, commented, “Shit, I still can’t figure out why anybody wants to see us — probably it’s her. Give her the money.” And they did.

Candace, along with Ram Rod, was truly part of the heart of the Grateful Dead. Her creative genius and warm spirit left an indelible mark on the band's legacy, and now she needs our support. We’re raising money to help Candace with her financial and medical issues. Every little bit helps, and I know she really appreciates the support.

Please donate to her GoFundMe page here and help give back to someone who gave so much to the Grateful Dead community. Let's show Candace the same love and support she has shown us throughout the years.
