Formula 5

Formula 5 is excited to announce an extensive Winter Tour to kick off 2017, which will see the release of the band’s third studio effort All Points North in April. Blanketing the Northeast throughout February, the band will return to the Midwest and Colorado in March, with debut performances in Kansas City and Chicago, wrapping up their tour back East at Rock n Roll Resort and a headlining show at Nectar’s in Burlington, VT on April 1. Fellow Upstate New Yorkers Mister F will join the band for 8 shows throughout New York and New England.

Formula 5 announced this week a Kickstarter campaign in support of their third studio album, due to be released in Spring 2017.

Formula 5 is pleased to announce an extensive Fall Tour.

Showing no signs of slowing down through a year that has seen the improvisational funk jam band from Albany hold a month-long residency at Nectar’s, open for Vermont legends Twiddle and Bernie Sanders, and their first tour of the Midwest, Formula 5 embarks on a wide-ranging Fall Tour.