From his very first producer credit on the MHz 12" "Rocket Science" (Fondle 'Em Records) to the critical and commercial success of debut album Deadringer (Def Jux) to birthing "A Beautiful Mine" (aka the theme song to AMC's "Mad Men"), it is no question RJD2 (aka Ramble Krohn) has had a very impressive fifteen year career.
Spanning 15 years, the recording career of RJD2 (aka RJ Krohn) is starting to exhibit the type of resilience generally reserved for golfers and bebop musicians. The relevance of this should not go unnoticed; it is increasingly rare for artists in the sphere of hip-hop and electronic music to maintain a presence this far into a career. This feat becomes even more impressive considering it was all done via independent labels.
Earth Day is celebrated around the world by a billion people in several different ways. In some way or another many people no matter where they live take time out to observe and celebrate our resilient “mother.” Red Rocks is always the best location to see a concert no matter who you are seeing.
RJD2 isn't that cute little droid acting as one half of a Greek Chorus in the Star Wars saga. But he did, start his set as a robot named 'Commissioner Crotchbuttons'; Complete with welders mask and "the world's first scrotum powered music machine" (a modified MPC sequencer that spins around on his lower waist). Yes, it's even more amusing than it sounds.
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