Bo Diddley

Happy Birthday, Bo Diddley! Today, December 30th, 2023, we at Grateful Web celebrate the incredible legacy of a musician whose impact on rock 'n' roll is immeasurable. Bo Diddley's unique style, a fusion of blues, rhythm, and African rhythms, revolutionized guitar playing and left an indelible mark on the music world.


Trojan Jamaica is excited to release the new video for the Rob Jevons remix of Bo Diddley's "Gunslinger" performed by reggae legend Big Youth, whose exuberant, eccentrically avant-garde delivery helped set the template for Jamaica's DJ-toasting in the 1970s, and paved the way for hip hop of the future. Instigated by label co-founder Zak Starkey and directed by Gabriella Blackwood, the raucous and colorful clip features other label co-founder Sharna "Sssh" Liguz and a bevvy of musicians and danc

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