
On a balmy Friday evening in South Florida, with relatively low (and I say lightly) humidity, I set out on the hour long drive down to North Miami Beach to see one of my absolute favorite bands, Medeski Martin and Wood. What can you say about Medeski Martin and Wood. They are by far the most talented improvisational, funk, jazz, modern, eclectic, ground paving, limit pushing trios out there. And have been for over a decade. I picked up my friend Sarah and we hit the road.

Pearl Jam is back, I'm not saying they ever left, but remember when Aerosmith quit drugs and came back with a hugely successful album, that's kind of like this. Pearl Jam has never stopped creating music or touring almost non-stop in the past 15 year. This new album, I think, is the best thing they have ever done. I know there are a lot of Pearl Jam fans that will disagree with me, but regardless, this music is right for this moment in time.

Fifty states = fifty albums.  This is the goal of singer/songwriter Sufjan Stevens.


It's Thursday night at the Fox Theatre in Boulder.  I am standing on the railing overlooking the dance pit thronged with lollypop sucking all-agers.  The LA-based self-proclaimed space-porn band

It's always hard to sum up a whole CD in just a few paragraphs. Some artists work their lyrics into their music and some make the music around the words they write. Devendra Banhart's fourth album is a combination of both smooth melodies and pop beats. His style of music he is creating crosses into the "freak-folk" category.  This is the first album of his I have heard but understand he comes from a very four track solo artist background. This album is very polished and you can tell the 24 year old is finding his own voice and sound.

The afterlife does not disappoint.  I share a room in Hell with Gordon Liddy's mother, (not a bad gig if you don't mind mustached women on the "bony" side) a floor above Nixon, who, as is only fitting, is rooming with his mother.  They seem to get on quite well with each other and refuse to stop blaming JFK for the fact that they are here.  One of the few pleasures afforded me is the opportunity to remind them, as I pass en route to my afternoon torture session, that the sole reason I've taken up residence in this mindless dump is due to a technicality…  It seem

As I walked up to the Boulder Theater on Friday night there were a ton of people standing out side. Normally these are fans having their last cigarette before heading into the venue for the show. But tonight all of these people were looking for anyone with an extra ticket. I grabbed my ticket from will call and headed in to the all ages show. The place was packed! I heard there were 115 people on the guest list, not to mention the fact the place was sold out by Friday morning.

Well, now that the hollidaze are just about over I can get back at the writing. This article was meant to be up a long long time ago! (Sorry guys!!) My home computer decided to crap out on me and cause me to lose all files! So, the first version of this review, plus all eight gigs of my mp3's and numerous  entertainment" files have all been lost! Damn. Well it's on with the show I guess.


Review of the live taping of the eTown variety show at the Boulder Theatre in Boulder, CO, featuring the great Dr. John and new singer-songwriter Billy Miles on March 23 2005.

Last night I attended a live musical event which was much different than the concerts that I am used to.  I went to my second live broadcasting of the national radio show called etown.


Among deadheads and weir-dos across Colorado the cheerful feeling was mutual as the crowd poured out of the Fillmore Auditorium Friday night after Bob Weir and RatDog threw down a celebration in the heart Denver.

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