Historic Heatwaves and Corporate Greed: 12 Consecutive Months of Record-Breaking Temperatures

Article Contributed by gratefulweb | Published on Friday, August 30, 2024

2024 has officially become the hottest year on record, with every single month surpassing previous temperature highs. That's right—12 consecutive months of unprecedented heat, shattering all previous records. The alarming trend of rising temperatures shows no sign of slowing, and the consequences are being felt across the globe.

Despite these undeniable facts, Big Oil continues to dodge accountability for their significant role in driving climate change and extreme weather patterns. For decades, these corporations have skirted responsibility, but the corruption we’re witnessing in 2024 is unlike anything we've seen before. Reports indicate that Big Oil executives are planning to pour untold sums of money into reversing the progress made toward a clean energy future.

Enough is enough. The American people can no longer stand by as Big Oil executives prioritize their profits over our planet. It's time to take a stand against this corporate greed and corruption.

Join the Fight: Add Your Name to Denounce Big Oil's Greed

Big Oil companies are using their wealth to lobby for unchecked power and additional tax breaks, all while they continue to pollute our air and water, pushing our planet closer to irreversible damage. This not only exacerbates the climate crisis but also leads to rising gas and energy prices, putting an even greater financial burden on working-class families. While Big Oil executives get richer, everyday Americans are left to foot the bill.

Climate Power is dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of Big Oil’s corporate greed and the urgent need for action. Our clean energy future is at stake, and we need every voice to join the fight. If you’re committed to stopping Big Oil from putting profits over our planet, we urge you to add your name and take action.


Together, we can hold those standing in the way of our clean energy future accountable and ensure a sustainable planet for generations to come.

About Climate Power:


Climate Power is an organization dedicated to advocating for clean energy solutions and holding powerful corporations accountable for their role in the climate crisis. Through public education and grassroots mobilization, Climate Power works to ensure that the transition to a clean energy future is swift, just, and equitable.

