Lilly Winwood | “Few More Records” | Review

Article Contributed by Nicole Lise Feingold | Published on Monday, December 7, 2020

Lilly Winwood – “Few More Records”

Lilly Winwood’s claim to fame isn’t simply her iconic father Steve Winwood. The video release of “Few More Records” provides a delectable taste of Winwood’s definitive country style highlighting her rich vocals and ability to carefully craft thoughtful lyrics. The full-bodied, metallic twang of the guitars resonates forcefully, welcoming Winwood’s bright, steady voice. The upbeat tone and contrasting visuals of Winwood wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, sitting alone versus dancing uninhibitedly with her frustrations in a flirty pink, floral dress reinforces the song’s message. Winwood wrote the tune while on the road, feeling burnt out, desiring to return home. Instead of letting her emotions take over, she focused on the work that needed to be done, accepting the situation. At almost two minutes, the instrumentals kick up their intensity playing a key role in the video’s symbolism. The spirited guitars and raucously, energetic piano influences Winwood’s melancholy self to adopt her optimistic version that can boogie regardless of the negativity. Ever so slightly, the pensive Winwood sways and taps her foot, embracing, “But I still got a few more records to sell.” (I’m following her lead. I can’t give up now.)  

Winwood’s debut album, “Time Well Spent” is scheduled for release early 2021. It consists of eleven, vibrant tracks, including “Few More Records” which can be enjoyed now. “California” and “You’ll Know Where To Find Me” with their gentle and comforting timbre are other standouts although the entire record embodies its title. Each tune is “Time Well Spent.”