Masontown set to release debut Album

Denver, Colorado’s Masontown, is a new young band with an enchanting sound that emerged from the hotbed of the Colorado roots music scene. The band is releasing their debut album In This Time on Oct. 13, 2017. The new album features mostly original songs such as “Cambric Shirt,” “In This Time” and highlights the band's ability to shine on their individual instruments. The band members consist of jazz guitarist turned flat-picking sensation Eric Wiggs (guitar/vocals), veteran bluegrass mandolin player and composer Mike Canney, fiddle champion and classical violinist Natalie Padilla (fiddle/vocals) and an upright bassist with roots running deep in the classical and jazz traditions Bradley Morse.
Masontown’s sound is an exciting and eclectic take on the American acoustic tradition. At once fresh and familiar, the group unites the sounds of bluegrass, old-time, folk, and new acoustic music into a sonic melting pot that hearkens back to our deep musical traditions while remaining defiantly modern in conception. Masontown is a band on the move, driven to delight the ears, touch the hearts, and move the feet of generations of music lovers in Colorado and far beyond. Check them out at upcoming Colorado shows this Fall.
Tour Dates include:
Oct. 15 – Gold Hill Inn, Boulder, Colo.
Oct. 19 – Stem Ciders, Denver
Oct. 29 – Old town House Concerts, Fort Collins
Nov. 3 – Oskar Blues Brewery - Lyons
Nov. 11 – Buffalo Rose, Golden, Colo.
Dec. 7 – Ophelia’s Electric Soapbox, Denver