
One would think that a band that is so well-known for their live performances would have released multiple concert discs by now.  With the exception of a few "indie" releases years ago, prog-rock kings Umphrey's McGee waited until this month to birth their first commercially available, official live album entitled Live at the Murat.

It has been since 2004 that Grace of the Sun was released. Now, Richie Havens is at it again, making finishing touches on his 27th album.  Recorded last month at Sear Sound Recording in NYC, Nobody Left to Crown will be released in Europe this fall on Polydor Records. The U.S. release date and label imprint will be announced soon.  Special guests on Nobody Left to Crown include Derek Trucks and Harry Manx. For more information regarding Richie's new album release, visit

Rage Against the Machine headline the Rebellious 2007 Vegoose Music Festival.

Grateful Web had both Amanda Bell and Forrest Dudek covering Vegoose this year.  Check back for their reviews soon.  In the mean time, some of their pictures are beginning to roll in.  We'll post more pictures when they come in.  Thanks to Vegoose publicity for a lovely weekend. Cheers!

Vegoose 2007 Pictures


Drew Emmitt (Leftover Salmon) & Billy Nershi (String Cheese Incident) teamed up last night to play a show at the Boulder Theater.  Grateful Web was on-hand to snap some photos.  There will be some changes to the pictures, as unfortunately I uploaded them last night without changing all vertical pictures to be right side up, so my apologies...

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