Calvin breaths the haze
thinks about its engulfment.
What mask to wear
if all of the sudden the air waves clog.
Where will we all run for cover?
The afterlife does not disappoint. I share a room in Hell with Gordon Liddy's mother, (not a bad gig if you don't mind mustached women on the "bony" side) a floor above Nixon, who, as is only fitting, is rooming with his mother. They seem to get on quite well with each other and refuse to stop blaming JFK for the fact that they are here. One of the few pleasures afforded me is the opportunity to remind them, as I pass en route to my afternoon torture session, that the sole reason I've taken up residence in this mindless dump is due to a technicality… It seem
The Dam Mountain Jam is a new night of music that happens every Thursday at Cactus Jack's Saloon in downtown Evergreen, starting at 9:00. It began as a few friends looking for an outlet for their songwriting and acoustic music, and has quickly grown into the best thing going in Evergreen - a crowd of friends and music lovers keeping things cozy, good beer and good vibes from the friendly folks at Jack's, and best of all, sweet music pouring from the stage all night long, from the simple and soulful to the rockin' and rowdy.
The "Grateful Garicia Gathering" will be returning back to the beautiful "Camp NCN" on August 4th, 5th, & 6th 2006, in beautiful Black River Falls Wisconsin. This mellow gathering will be a celebration of Jerry Garcia's Birthday, plus the 11th Annivesary of Jerrys untimely passing. This is going to be a very deeply humble, and special time for camping and gathering with friends of old and new!
The Grateful Dead's Donna Jean Godchaux and The Zen Tricksters, the pre-eminent jam-rock band, have come together. While having performed on occasion with the Zen Tricksters in the past, this reunion marks the second time Donna Jean has joined with this band for a complete performance. The first time was just last November 12, 2005 for the Grateful Dead's Rex Foundation. They are joining forces, along with Mookie Siegel (David Nelson Band, Phil Lesh & Friends) on keyboards and Wendy Lanter (Hope in Time) on vocals, as KETTLE JOE'S PSYCHEDELIC SWAMP REVUE.
Many leaders of the Evangelical movement came together this week to stand up for the environment. Though not all evangelicals agree with their stance, the leaders cited Bible verses for the change in their position, and are urging government, businesses and individuals to cut emissions to combat global warming.
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