
On 4 February every year, World Cancer Day unites the world’s population in the fight against cancer.

The ‘We can. I can.’ campaign explores how everyone – as a collective or as individuals – can do their part to reduce the global burden of cancer.

Join World Cancer Day 2017 to show that together ‘We can. I can.’ make a difference in the fight against cancer.

Discover how to get involved on worldcancerday.org.


In the last four to five years, the majority of American women who get a tattoo have been putting it in the same place: the small of their backs.

This type of tattoo is often referred to as a "bumper sticker," a "chick spot," a "girl spot," a "California license plate," or a "tramp stamp."  The most popular designs for these tattoos are: butterflies, flowers, tribal designs and Chinese characters called kanji.

I can only distinguish the months by the he that he has become.  Now, he is an actor who plays a bartender at night and has replaced the mid-town businessman who reminded me of my father.



Cut into: a girl walking in a dark city, alleyways lead her to, lanes shifting and digging back into, through and around small buildings of Dublin, crammed on twisted streets.  She arrives at an old movie theater the afternoon before she returns to America.


Calvin breaths the haze

thinks about its engulfment.

What mask to wear

if all of the sudden the air waves clog.

Where will we all run for cover?


My earliest memory of feeling connected to spirit (or God, as I call that wonderful force in my life), happened far away from any man-made church.  It happened when the noise of the world was (literally) drowned out by the noise of my motorcycle, and my feeling of peace and stillness was exaggerated by the confines of the helmet on my head.  I felt alone, as if I was the captain of my destiny, setting my course and making my own decisions.  And strangely, at the same time, realizing I was not alone.  That there would be something, some force, some life-giving f
