
Next week, Mickey Hart will make an historic appearance at the 10,000 Lakes Festival. This will be the first year that two founding members of the Grateful Dead will be on the same bill, though they will play on different days.

Anyone out there who might have read any of my previous Grateful Web publications, and I'm hoping there is at least one of you out there, may have noticed my slight fetish for Led Zeppelin references, analogies, and generalized words of praise. What can I say, I love the classics.


Sanjay Suchak is currently on-hand at this year's All Good Festival, at Marvin's Mountaintop in Masontown, West Virginia.   Check out Sanjay's photos and be sure to check back soon for his review of the weekend.  Also, keep your eyes peeled for Grateful Web's Bonnaroo and Rothbury reviews and photos soon.



The drum-driven world pop band New Primitives will again open this year's 10,000 Lakes Festival. This six-piece band from Minneapolis will play at 6:30 on the Field Stage. Though Gold Standard will start pumping out their horn-driven rock at the Barn Stage at 6 pm while Comosapiens warms up the Outstage Saloon, nobody can really start the party quite like the New Primitives can and set a tone for the entire festival.


Following this week's G8 Summit, during which world leaders addressed the pressing issue of global warming, Gov. Bill Ritter (Colorado) announced he is embarking today on a weeklong climate-change expedition to the Norwegian Arctic.


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