Emmy-award winner Ken Levine, whose writing credits include some of television's most iconic and revered series, has written a hilarious and affectionate memoir about growing up in the 1960's, the most turbulent decade of the 20th Century. Entitled The Me Generation...
In the interest of continuing to deliver our fans the most unique, entertaining and engaging experiences around, the preparation for sUMmer school rolls on. sUMmer school is an intimate five day music camp nestled in the Catskill Mountains that will dive head first into all things Umphrey’s McGee. And we want you to join us!
Rising out of Nashville’s thriving independent music scene, the Farewell Drifters are an alt-folk band known for their 60’s era-inspired harmonies and adventurous musical energy.
James Ristvedt isn't a typical third-year law student. He balances his time between days in classrooms and nights between stacks of speakers.
Paris Records through an exclusive license with 429 Records, is set to release “THE KENTUCKY DERBY IS DECADENT AND DEPRAVED BY HUNTER S. THOMPSON”—an all-star cast of musicians and actors lead by Tim Robbins, Dr.
JIMMY HERRING, one of the most sought after American guitarists today, has set the release date of August 21 for his second solo album, Subject To Change Without Notice, through Abstract Logix Records. As the founding member of The Aquarium Rescue Unit, Project Z and Jazz is Dead, in addition to playing with everyone from The Allman Brothers Band, The Grateful Dead to Phil Lesh and Friends, and Bela Fleck, HERRING has made his indelible impact on the music world.
Z2 Entertainment is proud to present Nicki Bluhm & The Gramblers at the Fox Theatre on Friday, August 31st. Tickets will go on sale to the public on Friday, June 22nd for $10.00 in advance and $12.00 day of show.
In all of the years that archival Grateful Dead recordings have been coming out, there have been only two from the red-hot fall of 1971, Keith Godchaux's landmark first tour with the band. Now there is a third. Dave's Picks Volume 3 features the complete October 22, 1971 concert from the beautiful Auditorium Theatre in Chicago on two discs, with a third disc culled from the previous night's scorcher at the same venue.