Deep Culture Announces Inaugural Sustainability Summit at Deep Tropics Music Art & Style Festival

Article Contributed by PGM PR | Published on Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Deep Culture, the non-profit initiative of Deep Tropics Music Art & Style Festival, continues to set the standard for sustainable festival practices. With initiatives ranging from renewable energy and reusable cup programs to planting nearly 100,000 fruit-bearing trees, Deep Culture's commitment to environmental stewardship is unparalleled. The organization has successfully diverted the majority of festival waste from landfills, achieving impressive diversion rates as high as 96%.

This year, Deep Culture is excited to announce the inaugural Sustainability Summit on August 15, featuring an impressive lineup of speakers renowned for their work in sustainability and social innovation. Sponsored by Deep Tropics and produced in collaboration with Tonya Lewis of Wonderful People Microfarm and Roxanna Shohadaee of HabRitual and Design Science Studio, the summit will also feature elixirs from The Alchemist Apothecary and seasonal bites and hors d'oeuvres by Joy Holistic.

Joel Atchison, Co-Founder of Deep Tropics and Deep Culture, shares, "This summit aims to illuminate social innovation, encouraging Greater Nashville to adopt holistic practices, creating a healthier future for all. A key concept of Deep Culture is that caring for the earth is connected to caring for yourself and your community. This first annual summit is designed to foster a culture of collective stewardship for generations to come."

Topics and Speakers:

Food/Farming, Human/Planetary Health:

    Carol Ziegler, Climate & Health Specialist from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, will discuss the intersection of food, human, and planetary health.
    Tonya Lewis, Executive Director of Wonderful People Microfarm, and Kristina Villa, Co-Executive Director of Farmers Land Trust, will explore sustainable agriculture and community farming initiatives.
    Frederick Cawthon, President of the Tennessee Hemp Alliance, will highlight the sustainable potential of hemp.

Circular Economy/Compostable Future:

    Jenn Harrman, Zero Waste Program Manager at Metro Nashville Waste Services, will provide an overview of current recycling structures and share updates on the compost pilot.
    Senator Heidi Campbell, representing Tennessee's 20th District, will discuss waste management policy and legislative efforts to promote sustainability. The session will be moderated by Maris Masellis of the Tennessee Environmental Council.

Sustainability Cross-Sector Collaboration:

    Alixa García, internationally-renowned social justice artist, will bring insights from her work with Climbing PoeTree and her global activism.
    Kendra Abkowitz, Senior Director of Sustainability and Resilience in the Mayor’s Office, will speak on urban sustainability initiatives in Nashville.

The Built Environment:

    Keith Louiseau, University Architect and Director of Design and Construction at Vanderbilt University, will offer insights into sustainable building practices.
    Justin Koziol and Jacob Waddell, leaders in sustainable living and the hemp industry, will discuss the future of sustainable living.

The Music Industry:

    Mike DuCharme, Regional Vice President of AEG Presents, will share innovative solutions in energy management and event sustainability.
    Blake and Joel Atchison will discuss Deep Tropics' commitment to sustainability and the vision for expanding the festival's impact.

About Deep Culture:
Deep Culture, a 501(c)(3) organization, harnesses the power and inspiration of the music industry as a catalyst for cultural and social change. Its mission is to curate transformative experiences for self, community, and planetary healing, through events like retreats, immersions, and workshops.

About Deep Tropics:
Deep Tropics, produced by Full Circle Presents, is a forward-thinking dance music festival that transforms downtown Nashville with creative site and stage designs. Featuring stages like the "Meru," "Lotus," and "Congo Soundsystem," the festival offers a unique blend of music and sustainability.
