Hollis Peach releases news album, 'SUN SITS LOW'

Article Contributed by Hollis Peach | Published on Monday, April 30, 2018

Hollis Peach: SUN SITS LOW

Hollis Peach’s latest release SUN SITS LOW, is a semi-psychedelic, country-tinged, harmony-laden folk album.

It’s a collection of our original songs, made to exist as if Simon and Garfunkel had a late-night bike ride with the Flaming Lips and John Hartford.” says Daniel Sherrill, guitarist and songwriter.

Full of lyric and melody driven stories, SUN SITS LOW, carries 10 songs, each of a very distinct character. One can enjoy dreamy ballads like Yukon River, Old Boy, and Gloria, colorful-expansive tunes like St. Jude’s Fire, White Clover, and Hurricane, to the more chicken-pickin’, 4-to-the-floor swing your partner vibes of title track Sun Sits Low, and Freedom is Word I Want You Knowin’.

Daniel along with his singing partner, Jacqui Aubert, enlisted the guiding light of Grammy winning producer Dave Clauss (Nashville TN), and tracked their band live in 19 hours, all in the same room. Drummer Reed Bentley, and Bassist Eric Jones lent their exceptional talents to the session and 10 songs later, Sun Sits Low was born.

Though deceptively simple, their musical arrangements and harmonies are lush, intricate, and often hypnotic in their elegance. Kenneth Pattengale, of the Grammy-nominated The Milk Carton Kids, describes Dan as, “…a monster guitar player.” And this is true, as Dan’s phrasing comes out in the cleverest and subtlest of ways. When all is said and done, Hollis Peach’s music is a powerhouse of subtle gestures and graceful storytelling.

Daniel also contributes his skills at the famous Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, where he’s the principal guitarist and banjo player for their modern take on Roger’s and Hammerstein’s classic production OKLAHOMA!

Check out their tour schedule, videos, lyrics, and more at www.hollispeach.com.