Primus Debuts Video for "Tragedy's A'Comin'

clip off Green Naugahyde, out now. The video, which premiered in a three-part series on
for "Tommy the Cat" and "Jerry Was A Race Car Driver".
The video focuses on a lobster's impending demise, soon to be boiled and fed to members of the upper crust, serving as a metaphor for global impending doom. The clip also features Les Claypool in a lobster suit, acting out the last moments of the crustacean on the beach. When discussing the making of the video with IFC, Claypool remarked "I spent so many years dodging goofball bullets from doing the 'Wynona's Big Brown Beaver' video that I don't resist it anymore. I got to put on a giant lobster suit, and that doesn't happen every day."
Green Naugahyde debuted at #15 on the Billboard Top 200, the highest chart placement for the band in 16 years. In support of the record, Primus recently wrapped up a tour featuring two sets per evening, one of which being Green Naugahyde in its entirety. This past weekend, Primus was featured on NPR's Weekend Edition, which praised Claypool as "equal parts odd and prolific."