
I grew up in a time when being liberal was almost a moral imperative. My parents supported civil rights, women's rights, and opposed the war in Vietnam. And as best as I could tell, then and now, there weren't a lot of gray areas in those positions. The left clearly had the moral high ground, and my home state of Alabama, in the 1960s, was arguably the front line in the battle for social change.


After 6 years of incompetence, hypocrisy, corruption, and fear based tactics, the time has come for change.

Let's revisit a portion of Republican corruption...

1) Mark  Foley (and the republicans trying to cover it up because they're more concerned with keeping a seat in congress than protecting children).  Hastert needs to be fired immediately.  The fat f(*k sweats in the winter time.

2) Abu Ghraib prison


Congressman Beauprez has renewed his membership to the notorious "Dirty Dozen" group of enemies of the environment, the first time a gubernatorial candidate has earned a spot on the annual list.

As reported in various media outlets today, the non-partisan League of Conservation Voters on Wednesday announced that the Congressman's abysmal voting record on environmental issues led to once again naming him a member of Congress's "Dirty Dozen."
