Bonnie Paine

We are looking forward to the 11th Annual Pickin’ on the Poudre, at the historic Mishawaka Amphitheatre​ in Bellvue, CO on Saturday May 16th! Special guests  Bonnie Paine and Daniel Rodriguez (of Elephant Revival​) and Friends -and- Caribou Mountain Collective will also join us! Mishawaka Pre-Sales will begin on April 1st. Public on-sale will begin on April 3rd.

Tickets and complete information can be found here:

And I don’t even mind. Elephant Revival’s Bonnie Paine is nothing short of magic. Greek mythology tells of dangerous and beautiful creatures called Sirens who would lure nearby sailors with their enchanting music, only to have them shipwreck tragically on the shores of their islands.  A Siren is a symbol of the dangerous yet sacred temptation embodied by beautiful women and song, and if you’ve ever heard Bonnie sing, you would be convinced she is, in fact, one of them.

Elephant Revival. If you don’t come out of one of their shows feeling refreshed, uplifted, happier…you may want to visit the doctor. Of course, we all change with every single action and thought, but Elephant Revival packs what seems like a whole lifetime of life lessons, revelations and beauty into a 2-hour set. So when you see them live, you’re sure to get more than just some time in a bar listening to music out of your experience.

Two and a half months ago, I was fortunate enough to get my first glimpse of Elephant Revival, the Lyons band whose sound is so unique, a reporter coined the term “Transcendental Folk” in an effort to capture it.

I first heard of Elephant Revival when I met Bridget Law at a fiddle contest five years ago. She had a magnetic personality and played the fiddle with the best of them, so I made sure to look up her band when I got home. The first Elephant song I listened to was "Ring Around the Moon", and it was stuck in my head for days. Since then I have seen them play many times.

Hustling down the festive, wintery Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado, I stopped into “George’s Food and Drink” for a quick beer with a long- time Leftover Salmon fan.

Strong winds from the west blew across a dirt parking lot… people tuck their heads, pulling their hats tighter to their skulls as they struggle against the wind, walking towards a dusty, rock strewn patch of earth… getting closer, t-shirts and the tarps they are laid out on struggle to stay grounded as their owners try to protect their wares from the dust… Girls in ruffled tutu’s and fishnet stockings are re-thinking their outfit choices in light of the chill the wind brings with it- but dust and wind are commonplace occurrences for these veteran Colorado concert goers… rocks brought along