On Tour

For lovers of atypical instrumental rock derivatives, there may be no sweeter words than Toubab Krewe.  What's a Toubab Krewe, you ask?  Good question!  For starters, Toubab Krewe is a band, five guys who make some of the grooviest music you've ever (or maybe never) heard.  The only term that really sticks with any consistency is instrumental, since, as the word implies, they only play instruments sans vocals.  Other than that, they ar


There is a certain feeling I get before a Phish or a Trey show that is unlike any other pre-show feeling. I don't know why, but it almost feels like it's my show that I'm preparing for. Everything has to be right. I have to be on time, in my spot, with everything that I need. I probably acquired these survival skills during ten years of Phish Jedi touring.

Halloween is a festive occasion across the nation, but few places are able to boast the sort of debauch festivities Boulder, Colorado is known for.  Hit the Pearl Street Mall starting at around 8 pm and treat your eyes to a cornucopia of sights, including the Naked Pumpkin Run (just what it sounds like), the "Anything Goes But Clothes" costume contest at the Lazy Dog, and generally more sexy, sultry, scandalous and skintastic costumes than you could shake your stick at.  A mainstay of Bould

It was another typical Saturday night in Boulder, Colorado.  University Hill was crawling with weekend revelers, frat boys wearing their hats like idiots, freshmen trolling for house parties where no one checks ID, and throngs of music fans smoking cigarettes and talking it up outside the Fox Theatre.  The crowd outside the Fox was a pretty good cross-section of Boulder society - a mix of tie-dye, glow sticks and designer jeans.  Inside the

Yep, even in Illinois they like their grass blue.  The Chicago-based progressive bluegrass outfit Cornmeal is proof of that.  Combining elements of traditional bluegrass, country, roots, modern rock, and improvisational jam the group fosters a unique and pleasing sound that wins over fans across a host of genres.


Trey exorcised a lot of demons in 5 short days. He began a headlining tour for the first time since getting sober, in the city at the center of the universe, no less. He returned to his adopted home state, the prodigal son coming full circle, back to the city the he and his band mates put on the map as the musical Mecca of the northeast in the early 90's.

In 2002, I remember walking down the street that lead to the back of one of the smaller stages at the High Sierra Music Festival late one afternoon and being amazed by the sheet of sound that was slowly encompassing me with every step forward.

I have to admit, I like to take an angle when I write. Often times, I will have a phrase or concept thought out, which may be developed into an introduction, even before I go to see a band. How can that be, you may be asking. Well, most of the bands I review I have seen before and I can figure out what to expect. But, last Sunday night's show left me dumbfounded.

It seems like I have been on a huge My Morning Jacket kick since I first saw them at the Bonnaroo Music Festival in 2003. Then, their epic performance in the pouring rain the following year made me a real die hard fan. They seemed to etch their names into fame through the Bonnaroo vehicle as ten of thousands of fans have grown to love the Louisville, Kentucky rock band.

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