Coming February 10: “Surrender,” the single and title track from Jann Klose’s Forthcoming Studio Album

Article Contributed by Leighton Media | Published on Monday, January 23, 2023

Jann Klose "Surrender" - single Feb 10 & album March 3 External

Award-winning musician and songwriter, Jann Klose is releasing the single “Surrender” on February 10.  The album Surrender will be available on digital, CD, and vinyl on March 3.    

Jann delves into the inspiration and theme of the single, “’Surrender’ isn’t meant to be understood in the traditional sense, it doesn’t refer to ‘losing’ per se. Quite the opposite, it’s actually about winning! Winning, because there is enough strength inside to arrive at a point of true peace. A ‘letting go’ of baggage and a new, different approach to love, connection and self-awareness that wasn’t present before.”

Jann’s forthcoming studio album “Surrender” is due for release March 3. He was blown away by some of the incredible people involved with the album, “‘Surrender’ was created under the most unusual of circumstances. We were dealing with a global pandemic and a complete shutdown of music venues and recording studios. My co-writer for more than half the album, Alex Forbes and I got together bi-weekly at her apartment in Manhattan and poured our souls into the songs during the strangest of times. Producer Marcus Dembinski and I worked in person at our home studios in Manhattan and Queens, then started adding live instruments at Studio G Brooklyn with engineer Cyril Putzer when it became possible. A lot of recording was done remotely. Max Sternlicht, who played all the great bass lines you hear on most of the record, and I — as of this writing — still haven’t met! Dimitris Menexopoulos recorded his Cretan Lyra in Greece, and Ben Kesler mastered ‘Surrender’ in St. Louis, MO


