
Kathryn Dove of the Grateful Web recently had the opportunity to see Boulder's own Rose Hill Drive open up for Big Head Todd and the Monsters at Red Rocks. A couple of days later we caught up with the band on tour and interviewed Jake Sproul, lead singer and bass guitarist.

Grateful Web interviewed Billy Martin as part of an early webconference back in 2001.  We are working to transcribe this interview -- we have also managed to salvage the audio portion (see attached). Thanks for your interest.

The Grateful Web sat down with Mark Karan, guitarist for RatDog, backstage at the Paramount Theater in Denver to talk about the status of the jamband scene, changing demographics at the shows, Weir's insatiable need to be on the road and why Karan knows he is lucky as hell to be getting paid (and laid) to play with Bobby.

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