
The Mercer Family Foundation has sunk millions of dollars into Breitbart, climate-denying politicians, and a host of climate denial organizations.

But the head of the foundation, Rebekah Mercer, sits on the board of one of our nation’s largest and most respected natural history museums -- the American Museum of Natural History.

Friends of the Earth is joining a broad coalition of groups to kick Rebekah Mercer off the board of this museum -- but we need your help!


Last month, Donald Trump signed an Executive Order threatening Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears National Monument with drilling, mining and logging. These monuments boast 1.9 million acres of canyons, arches, and piñon-juniper forests. They house artifacts, buildings, and sacred spaces of Native American communities. The Department of the Interior is accepting public comments on whether to let Big Oil destroy Bears Ears. So we need you to speak up NOW and help save this special place!


Donald Trump is trying to gut the Energy Star program. The program -- which is run by the EPA -- rates appliances and buildings on their energy efficiency. It has kept 2.7 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases from polluting our planet. And it has saved Americans roughly $362 billion in energy costs.

We need your help to stop Trump from getting rid of this program!


Our national monuments are under attack.  Donald Trump is set to issue an executive order TODAY to let the fossil fuel industry destroy these special places. This means that soon, visitors to Grand Staircase-Escalante, Bears Ears and other natural wonders could see, hear and smell coal mines and oil wells. We need your help to stop this attack!


First the good news: The rusty patched bumblebee has been officially listed under the Endangered Species Act. This protection will go a long way toward preventing this wild bee from facing extinction.

Now the bad news: Trump and his enablers in Congress are gearing up for an attack on the Endangered Species Act. This could wipe out the rusty patched bee -- and many other endangered species.

We need your help to stop Trump and Congress from harming wildlife!


House Republicans want to re-open protected areas of the Arctic for oil and gas drilling. At the same time, they want to gut safety protections. Their plan would endanger beluga and bowhead whales, walrus, and ice seals. It would greatly increase the chances of an oil spill in this remote and fragile region. And it would contribute to climate chaos.The Senate can still stop this from happening. But we need you to write to your Senator NOW!


Artist Project Earth (APE) has recently joined forces with the World Bank’s Connect4Climate (C4C) initiative and is collaborating on C4C’s “campaign, coalition, and community that cares about climate change,” including support for the Voices4Climate global photo, video, and music video competition (see below).As part of this new partnership, C4C is organizing a major US launch event focused on climate change for  Rhythms del

The Chukchi Sea off the northwest coast of Alaska is home to one of America's two populations of threatened polar bears and the only population of Pacific walrus. These great species of the Chukchi are losing their sea-ice habitat at an alarming rate, but that's not the only thing they have to worry about: Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar wants to let Big Oil drill in their home.


Every day our cars and trucks guzzle an eye-popping 378 million gallons of gasoline, spewing millions of tons of global warming pollution into the air. This accounts for about 40 percent of U.S. oil consumption, with freight trucks adding another 14 percent.

Saving oil in transportation is crucial for reducing our perilous foreign energy dependence and addressing the climate challenge. Improving vehicle technology also would keep our domestic auto industry competitive in a world where fuel efficiency has become a significant advantage in the global marketplace.