
The summer and spring of 2024 have seen record-breaking temperatures and devastating climate events, underscoring the urgent need for action on climate change. The world continues to experience unprecedented heat waves, and the oceans are warming to levels never before recorded in human history. Amidst these alarming trends, the stark contrast between the climate policies of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump becomes ever more apparent.

President Joe Biden: A Commitment to Combat Climate Change

As the sun seared down onto the streets of Phoenix, a chilling realization settled in: the temperature hadn't dipped below 110°F for a month straight. A land far away from this heatwave, Canada, usually known for its cool, picturesque landscapes, was ablaze in the harshest wildfire season it has ever experienced. Maui mourned the lives of those lost to the deadliest fires in over a century, while the waters around Florida boiled at a scorching 101 degrees.


From the decimation of bumble bees to record low numbers of monarch butterflies along the California coast, researchers are starting to warn about a looming INSECT APOCALYPSE. And even though we know many of the biggest threats to pollinators' survival come from Big Polluters, corporate giants continue to profit from bee-killing pesticides. That's why we're asking for your help holding them accountable today. Will you take action by signing our petition now?


We’re living in a critical time of global warming issue, and we HUMANS are the major cause who are responsible for this. We are increasingly influencing the climate and the earth's temperature by burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests, and farming livestock. But more than that, do you know that everything you do and consume in daily life can add up to your personal Carbon & Ecological Footprint? And all that together is destroying Earth’s environment.


Gunned down from helicopters. Dynamited in their homes. It’s open season on wolves, who are being slaughtered without mercy -- and now, another big wolf hunt is scheduled for this fall.

Stop hunters and poachers from wiping out wolves: Donate $27 or more to Friends of the Earth Action.


Hunters are corralling baby wolf pups into their dens and killing them with guns and dynamite -- and it's all completely legal. Protect wolves now with a $27 donation to Friends of the Earth Action.

Yes, you read that right. Hunters now have the right to snare, shoot, and even dynamite wolf pups in their dens. It’s appalling, it’s barbaric, and it’s wrong.


Montana Republican Senator Steve Daines and Wyoming Senator John Barrasso are trying to block the confirmation of Rep. Deb Haaland for Secretary of the Interior. Take action now.

Deb Haaland is an advocate for Indigenous rights, keeping fossil fuels in the ground, and banning fracking. She would be the first Indigenous leader of the Department of the Interior -- an agency that has huge influence over Indigenous issues. 

Procter & Gamble is the world’s largest consumer goods company. It has a long history of destroying and degrading forests from Borneo to the Boreal. Last year the company’s shareholders voted overwhelmingly for the company to halt these practices. Take action now.


Trump has just begun the last phase of his destructive rush to open the sacred Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling. Chip in now and protect the Arctic Refuge from this existential threat.

$25 an acre. That was the starting bid price for over 10,000 years of pristine, incomparable wilderness.


In April, an ash pond burst at the Sasan coal plant and mine in the remote district of Singrauli, India. This caused a flood of toxic coal ash. Six people died. Take action to stop the US from financing this deadly project.

The U.S. government helped prop up the coal plant responsible for this disaster. The Export-Import Bank, Ex-Im, provided $917 million in long-term financing to Reliance Power to construct and operate the plant.
