John Perry Barlow

Some things don’t change.  People die.  Others get born to take their place.  Storms cover the land with trouble.  And then, always, the sun breaks through again.”  John Barlow

Robert Hunter recalls, “Enter, John Barlow, in Pecos Bill getup, silk kerchief, and Stetson hat, as befit a Wyoming ranch boss and author of the lyrics to ‘Mexicali Blues.’  Billy goats together, only he knew Weir well enough to butt horns with him, part friends, and do it again.”

Grateful Dead lyricist, and co-founder of the EFF, John Perry Barlow, has had a tumultuous year and a half spent in "medical incarceration," living with extreme pain and limited mobility since April, 2015. Tragically, healthy savings and robust insurance is no match for the cost of extended convalescence.