Yonder Mountain String Band

The final day of Harvest was one of celebration. We managed to have perfect weather, and even Yonder Mountain String Band was singing the praises of clear skies. As usual, some of the best shows happened on Saturday, the day when we all try to cram in as much music and fun as possible…ready-but-not-ready for our journey home the next day.

Yet another beautifully sunny day graced us on Friday at Yonder Mountain String Band's Harvest Music Festival. Not a drop of rain and enough sunshine to charge cell phones (a rarity among the few most recent Harvest festivals.) There is such happiness floating through the campsites and stages, families are playing and wrangling children, and barbeque nachos are in my near future. Life is good.

I can hardly believe it’s almost October – it seems it was just a few weeks ago YMSB’s Harvest Music Festival 2013 was playing its final notes. This year, The Jayhawks are slated for an IOU performance they missed last year. Also on the lineup are festival namesakes Yonder Mountain String Band – they’re playing with Jerry Douglas this year in lieu of Jeff Austin leaving the band. Trampled by Turtles is playing, as well as Papa Mali, Elephant Revival, Shook Twins and many other great bands.

New Year's Eve in Boulder, CO has become a tradition for Yonder Mountain String Band. Come ring in the New Year at the Boulder Theater for a 4-night run with plenty of foot stompin' and hand clappin' as Yonder burns it down with special guest violinist Allie Kral and mandolin player Jake Jolliff; additional special guests will be announced in the coming weeks. This year, YMSB kicks off the run on Wednesday, December 31, 2014.

A year ago, Planet Bluegrass was in shambles. The North St. Vrain Creek, which carves a path along the venue’s northern and eastern borders, overflowed during a torrential downpour that lasted nearly a full week in mid-September. The 2013 Colorado Flood created a state of emergency in 14 counties and hit especially hard in Lyons. The town’s crown gem, which hosts the annual RockyGrass and Folks Festivals, was submerged under four feet of water.

For bluegrass fans it doesn’t get much better than YarmonyGrass: picturesque Colorado weather, great friends, and top-notch picking in one of the most beautiful parts of Colorado. From August 15th to the 17th, bluegrass lovers gathered at Rancho Del Rio for the ninth annual YarmonyGrass festival, and the results were more than pleasing.

Rancho Del Rio

No single thing makes a festival the “best festival ever.” Sure, one great band can make it really good. Or maybe the campground scene was where it was at. But it’s really when you group those moments with the ones of unbearable laughter, silly dancing, and inspirational people that a festival becomes the “best ever.” And you know what? The Northwest String Summit consistently brings the best.

With the final lineup announced and the secret guests unveiled, the annual YarmonyGrass is ready to roll this weekend, August 15-17.

Another year and another successful Bonnaroo adventure can be checked off the list.  It seems like it was just yesterday that I was rocking out to Sir Paul with my parental units at Bonnaroo 2013.  Where does the time go?  With each year I attend this festival, one thing does remain constant, change.  I was in attendance the first few years when Bonnaroo was in its infancy, going just as a fan to see 'The Dead

In just a couple weeks, Horning’s Hideout in North Plains, Oregon will be hosting the 13th Annual, Northwest String Summit. Not only is this festival held in one of the most visually appealing venues in the country, there’s a stellar line up, great people, and lots of things to do even for the young ones of your group. Check out this interview with Skye Macdonald, the promoter for this amazing festival, and see why you should be so excited for this year’s bluegrass extravaganza.

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