Infamous Stringdusters

Infamous Stringdusters | Colorado | Fox Theater | Boulder, CO | 2/16/13
Infamous Stringdusters | Walking on the Moon | Fox Theater | Boulder, CO | 2/15/13
Infamous Stringdusters | Road To Boulder | Fox Theater | Boulder, CO | 2/16/13
Infamous Stringdusters | Rain | Fox Theater | Boulder, CO | 2/15/13
Infamous Stringdusters | Home | Fox Theater | Boulder, CO | 2/16/13
Infamous Stringdusters | Black Rock | Fox Theater | Boulder, CO | 2/16/13
Infamous Stringdusters | A Hundred Years From Now | Fox Theater | Boulder, CO | 2/16/13
Infamous Stringdusters | Deep Elem Blues | Fox Theater | Boulder, Colorado | 2/16/13
Infamous Stringdusters | Moon-Man | Fox Theater | Boulder, Colorado

Sometime last Saturday night it dawned on me why the guys from the Infamous Stringdusters are doing so well for themselves; their charm and charisma comes through without toting a hometown identity. When the Dusters play in Nashville or Telluride, or Eugene, they make the crowd feel like their hometown crowd.