Jake Shimabukuro

With Jake Shimabukuro’s new release Grand Ukulele: Live In Boulder; ukuleles are not for Don Ho singing Tiny Bubbles or Tiny Tim tip toe-ing through the tulips anymore. Thank Goddess of Fire Pele! The ukulele being In the same vein as the Lower 48’s accordion as a stereotyped instrument that can’t possible grab one’s attention for long; is not only for the Big Island anymore.

APA Nashville artist and global phenomenon Jake Shimabukuro will make his national broadcast debut with the PBS premiere of JAKE SHIMABUKURO: LIFE ON FOUR STRINGS tonight at 9 p.m.

Head over to Billboard.com to get an exclusive first listen of Jake Shimabukuro's newest song, "Island Fever Blues," which will be featured on his October release, "Grand Ukulele."Jake will be heading back to Japan this September.

"There's nothing better than a music festival in the heartland of the country," said Jeff Austin of Yonder Mountain String Band on the festival's last day.  Even though I can think of some things that are better, there is a lot of truth to this statement.  Despite its sputtering start with heightened police threats, and at times clueless security, the third

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