Jazz Mandolin Project

In today’s fluid world of cancellations, postponed events, and uncertainty, we’re all learning to expect the unexpected and to pivot when life hands you lemons.

Are you a Grateful Dead snob? An easy way to answer that question is to read through the following list of statements. If any describe you, then you might fit the bill.
1. You will only listen to soundboard recordings.
2. You measure a person based on how many shows they saw, regardless of their age.
3. People who think Phish was the logical next step after The Grateful Dead don't have a clue.

When Phish broke up the first and second time, there was a large void left in my life. Yours too, otherwise you probably wouldn't be reading this article. As I've eluded to in past reviews, the nomadic nature instilled in me by that foursome from the north lead me on many a fruitless, and sometimes fruitful quest to find new, interesting, dynamic and hypnotic sounds like those that I still long for.

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